Meet our team
We are a group of visioners, always keeping up with current events, intrigued by new concepts and initiatives
Chrysanthi Karytinou
She knows what she wants, an optimistic hard-worker, well-organized and always prepared. A “night-owl” multitasker, has a passion for travelling and foreign languages. She is her authentic self, classy, active, loves taking initiative, speaks her mind and tests her limits.
Harry Ntzianos
Theatre kid, a guitarist and table tennis-player. Always keeping himself busy, loves gadgets, innovates and is always interested in creative, new artistic projects creating eye-catching designs. He is ready to help whenever you need him and can emotionally connect with his “audience”, thus foreseeing what people actually want.
Constantinos Raptis
Social Media Expert
He has his way around people with his very distinct sense of humor and kindness, he loves music, is emotional and very expressive, the artist of the group. He is authentic, also receptive of new ideas and concepts, passionate and open about his views on social and political matters in order to raise awareness, always ready to protect and stand up for others.
Elias Kkamari
Public Relations Expert
A comedic personality, very fun to be around, enjoys to organize events and give advice, willing to help and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. He inspires people, he is very talkative and communicative always bringing fresh ideas to the table. He likes to travel and get to know new cultures and civilizations.
Nasialia Tsampoula
Influencer Creative
Very strong-minded with a dynamic personality and a resourceful mind. She is a dreamer with a wild fantasy, caring for everyone, always making people smile. Her auto-sarcastic, witty personality and kind spirit win everyone around her and help her overcome every obstacle that comes her way. Her goal is to travel all around the world and now in quarantine Netflix is an escape from reality

Contact us
+220 4191315
Our location
Athens Greece
Aiolou 35 Monastiraki
2nd Floor

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If you would like to partner with us, send your information to our official mail

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