Let us introduce you to the Marketing World.
Marketing Consulting Agency
"Bold moves for social change"
Learn more
for us
For us all revolutionary ideas have to reflect how a brand can have a meaningful, powerful impact in people's lives
Our Marketing Plan
After your free initial consultation we see your potential and guide you through a focused plan for your business
Work Ethics
→Prioritizing our customers and partnerships
→Taking into consideration the health and safety of our staff & customers
→Creating a diverse and passionate workspace
→Supporting small business
→Focus on unlocking your potential
→A work culture of unconventional office designs, flexibiblity and freedom
→Effecient time management
→Free-of-charge initial constultation
→Always taking into account customer's feedback
→Multi-divisional structure
→Good information hygiene by
verifying information

→Promoting green policies
→Open to further collaborations
We support the new mandate for business as suggested by Edelman's Trust Barometer 2021
Our Values
"We are willing to use innovative tools and creative thinking , always ready to test our abilities and skills"
We have no hidden agendas and we provide you with the truth through our actions in an enviroment of certainty and accountability. It is clear to us that a business gains the most trust by being a guardian of infromation quality.
We are applying bold moves for social change within an arena where people are brought together to innovate. We also support job automation amd are always trying to experiment with the challenges the "new normal" has generated.
We approach our plans with different points of view. We believe that strength lies in differences not in similarities, we are inspired by uniqueness.

Why Trust is valuable?
“I’m fascinated by how trust enables us to navigate uncertainty, place our faith in people and take leaps into the unknown.”

– Rachel Botsman

-Trust is essential to innovation especially during an era of misleading information, mistrust of leadersm, systematic racism and political instability.
-We acknolodge people's personal and societal fears leading towards positive change.
For our agency to be acknowledged as trustworthy we make sure to:
①Act first, talk after
②Lead with facts, act with empathy
③Provide trustworthy, unbiased content
④Find common purpose, take collective action

Our Previous Collaborations
Our partners
If you believe that your company fits in our agency’s mindset, then feel free to communicate with us

Contact us
+220 4191315
Our location
Athens Greece
Aiolou 35 Monastiraki
2nd Floor

Work with us
If you would like to partner with us, send your information to our official mail

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